Greg Mendez - WKNC Interviews
Download MP3DJ Ocean Spray 0:00
Hello, this is DJ Ocean Spray. And this is an Off The Record interview, you're listening to WKNC 88.1 HD 1 Raleigh, North Carolina. On this episode of Off The Record, I am interviewing Greg Mendez. So to get us started, how would you describe your relationship with music like as a kid?
Greg Mendez 0:21
I don't know, I guess I was just really drawn to it. Like it was.
It was always just a thing that I kept coming back to, I guess. And, you know, people will try to push me to be interested in other things. And that kind of came and went, but I always just felt really connected to like songs. And they made me
feel a ways that, you know,
that other things didn't really do for me as much like, it was just, I just had a really strong emotional connection to like, certain music, I think always.
DJ Ocean Spray 0:59
And so like, what music did you listen to as a child?
Greg Mendez 1:05
When I was like, really young, like, I kind of just liked anything that was like rock, or like, or like, even country or whatever, just like anything that
like, I definitely, like,
vocal forward music and like, just stuff that sounded like, exciting and like, intense to me or like,
Yeah, Bandcamp, Instagram, Spotify, Twitter.
Pretty much all those things. Is it just Greg Mendez on there.
The Instagrams X Greg Mendez X.
I'm so
Speaker 1 1:28
urgent, which I guess I still kind of feel like that. But I didn't really, like have much of a way to like really get into stuff until I was like, more like a teenager. So I kind of just was like listening to stuff on the radio when I was a kid. And like, you know, recording songs that I liked onto a boombox from the radio when I was a kid. Yeah, that was? Does that answer it?
DJ Ocean Spray 1:56
Yeah. And so how would you say your taste has, like evolved as you've gotten older.
Speaker 1 2:04
Um, I feel like I have a bit more like, appreciation for like subtle things. Like I really kind of, like, you know, I got into like, punk music and stuff like that as a teenager and like, new metal earlier than that. And like, I thought I wanted everything to be like really heavy, and like as intense as possible. And I think as I got older, I like kind of started finding the things that I actually liked about that. And other types of music were like, you can still, I guess I kind of realized, like, the depth of like feelings that could be that could come through in music, like, there's a lot more than what I was drawn to as a kid. And now, I'm like, seeing you like, you can make softer music that has like the same feeling. It's like, the heaviest song in the world. And, and vice versa. Like, it doesn't even have to have that feeling like, they're just like, I guess I've just become more open to like different things in it. And like, different different styles and sounds like I feel like I'm just a little bit more all over the place. Whereas when I was younger, I was definitely more like, Yeah, I'm into this sound kind of thing. And now I'm just like, I'm into songs. And there can be anything. Yeah.
DJ Ocean Spray 3:29
So do you think like, creating your own music has impacted how you consume and like, perceive other music?
Speaker 1 3:37
Yeah, I think so. And I think so. And I think it's maybe a good thing and a bad thing. Like, I, I've definitely, if I hear a song, like I'm, I'm definitely hearing it more in a more detailed way than I used to, before I started making stuff like I'm, like, able to pick things out and like, like, I don't have like, much music theory or technical knowledge, per se, but I can tell like, what's going on and like, what's a harmony and what this thing is doing? And like, whereas before it was kind of just like this beautiful match of things. So there was something magical about that. And now, like, I mean, I can kind of not that I'm like, totally analytical but like I could still like, enjoy stuff just by the feeling but there's this like, element of you know, when you kind of know what goes into things where you're, you definitely see it in a different way.
DJ Ocean Spray 4:44
Yeah, definitely. So would you say that, um, like the music that you like, how would you compare the music that you listen to, to what you end up creating? Like, are they very different or do you feel like you listened to stuff that's similar to what you make
Speaker 1 4:59
I think that kind of don't listen to stuff that's similar to what I make very often. I definitely have at points like you know, I was like big into Elliott Smith especially when I was like a teenager in my early 20s And I still love it but I've just like listened to it so much and I know it so well I don't find myself coming back to music that sounds like that as much and yeah, I guess I like spend so much time making like like music that sounds like I do that I don't really find myself listening to it that much but I do like it
DJ Ocean Spray 5:42
yeah. Okay, so we're gonna take a quick break to listen to rev John friend off of Greg self titled album Greg Mendez.
Greg Mendez 6:35
Picking up the things you left
I never thought I’d be so upset
About every time you told me you
Don’t ever wanna see me again
I don’t mind if you stay tonight
It’s just another promise you never meant
Like all those times you told me you
Don’t ever wanna see me again
And then “I love you and you’ll always be my friend”
I tried to play by your rules
But you’ve been making them up as you go
Though I tried, you told me you
Don’t ever wanna see me again
And then “I love you and you’ll always be my friend”
I love you and you’ll always be my friend
DJ Ocean Spray 8:40
So what prompted you to start creating your own music?
Speaker 1 8:46
I just always wanted to, I guess. And I did. I started doing it kind of slowly. I think like, you know, I started like playing guitar, or whatever. And, you know, just like I never thought that I would, you know, finish songs and like put them out when I started doing it. It just like kind of evolved into that. But I think I did always want to do that. It was just like a process of figuring out that I actually could do that. Yes. Answer the question.
DJ Ocean Spray 9:26
Yes, yes. Yeah, sounds good. Um, and so what really makes your music stand out to me as a listener is like your songwriting. Um, so to explore that a little further, like in the context of like, developing your songwriting skills. Were you interested in like English and writing when you were younger? Or is it like a skill that you've developed like outside of academic settings?
Speaker 1 9:53
I think it was definitely outside. You know, I always like to like read and stuff and found that kind of stuff. Interesting, but I never considered myself a writer really. And I kind of still don't like I always think about it first from like, the sounds and the melodies and stuff but yeah, I think the, the lyrics are more like like I don't I couldn't tell you what my like, influences were honestly I think it was just like something and I think I was really bad at it at first when I started doing it and hope that I'm better now but I just kind of she's kind of like chipped away at it, I guess. And I tried to like, I do try to like read books and stuff, although, like I have unmedicated ADHD, so it's kind of difficult, but I tried to like, not as like research per se, but I feel like the more I like, the more I'm exposed to stuff, it just kind of like comes through, like even not in an intentional way. Like if I'm just like, giving, feeding my brain things, then I think that makes me better. Yeah.
DJ Ocean Spray 11:14
And so like, when you're writing songs, is it stuff that you have been kind of sitting on for years? Or does it tend to be like more fresh?
Speaker 1 11:26
I think it's a combination, like some of the some of the songs on the last record, we're, we're pretty old. And, like, I guess they all have to feel fresh, that makes like, like some of them are will be newer, and just like things I'm excited about. And then sometimes I'll think of it or like stumble across something that's like, many years old, and I'll just hear it in a different way than I heard it when I first made it, and then that'll feel fresh. So that'll, you know, so I'll work on that too. And I feel like, you know, what's the difference? Anyway? Really? Yeah.
DJ Ocean Spray 12:07
Um, and so your songs definitely, like tell stories? Are they generally like, based off of true experiences you have? Or like, where do you gain inspiration for them?
Speaker 1 12:21
They're kind of a mix, I guess, like I, I think I definitely write about, I think I definitely write about what I know, just because it's easier, and I can be more honest about that. And like more, you know, I can't, I'm not really that imaginative, like I can't, like, I can't fully make things up that will have like, the depth of the depth that things will, if I have seen them closely or gone through them or whatever, but I do kind of just write things like stream of consciously. So they're not really like diary entries or something like that. And some of them are, you know, sometimes I'm singing from somebody else's point of view, or multiple people's point of view, or, you know, it really kind of depends. And a lot of the songs are just like a mash up of things that I feel like, get the same feeling across I think like, what I'm going for is this the feeling rather than, like, telling a story with like, a narrative arc that has a clear, you know, beginning, middle and end like different clear characters, you know what I mean? Yeah,
DJ Ocean Spray 13:37
definitely. And a lot of your songs kind of have, like humor and wit really weaves into them. Is this something that like, like, do you intentionally add that? Or does it kind of just, like, hit you as you're writing it?
Speaker 1 13:55
I think it kind of just comes when it comes in, and but I'm not, like closed off to that. And like, like, I feel like, I feel like even in the past, I've like, you know, been like, Oh, well that's like, a little too, like funny for the sad song or whatever. And I realized maybe in the last few years, or maybe it was before that I don't even know, but I just realized that that's dumb. And like, you know, I think of it like when I'm like watching a movie, like the best movies are like, all those things at once. Like there's parts that make you laugh, there's parts that make you cry, there's parts where you're, like, stressed and happy and like, it's just like life, you know, everything's happening all at once. And I think I'm not like oh, I need to add a funny line here. But if it if it happens, I'm like, great.
DJ Ocean Spray 14:44
Yeah. And so um, earlier you said or mentioned Elliott Smith, as like in an artist that you really like and I guess make music similar to what other like Can artists really stick out to you? Not only as inspiration but like, you know, music that you like to listen to.
Speaker 1 15:10
Um, that's like I mean, I think I take a lot of my inspiration from like a lot of older stuff to be honest, like, like really just like melody heavy, like 60s, pop music, you know, like, the Kinks, The Beatles, that kind of stuff. And like, I mean, I listen to a lot of that, too. As far as what I listened to, like, it's kind of all over the place. Like, there's a lot of Philly bands that are really great. Like swim camp tag about Shannon Moser, and like, you know, I feel like as far as like, contemporary artists, like I don't really have to go much farther than that. Yeah. But, yeah, I mean, there's just like, a lot of, but I'll still listen to like heavy stuff, too. And I'll like revisit stuff that I liked when I was a kid. Like, I'm kind of just I couldn't give you like a clearly defined answer.
DJ Ocean Spray 16:11
Yeah. Well, that's okay. Um, so with your most recent album, just out of curiosity, what? Like, it's your fourth album, what prompted you to make it self titled? Like, compared to like,
Unknown Speaker 16:31
you've finished please?
DJ Ocean Spray 16:33
Like, because? Well, because you came up with names for the rest of them. And I don't know, I feel like generally, you see, like a self titled album, I feel like closer to the beginning of someone's like, making music. So I think it's really interesting that it's like your fourth one. And you decided to name it, Greg Mendez?
Speaker 1 16:52
Well, to be completely honest, I was kind of holding that as like, a Get Out of Jail Free card for when I couldn't think of a name for something. Yes. This was one.
DJ Ocean Spray 17:06
Okay, and then, um, some of your songs from like, previous albums and stuff. You've re recorded things before? And so like, what is your like, relationship with like, revisiting a song that you've already like? Recorded? Do you like when you're doing it again? Do you want to make something new out of it? Or is it like you're trying to stick to what you had before? Like, just like, what's the process there?
Speaker 1 17:35
I think I'm usually trying to do something new with it, at least a little bit. Like, like the ones I redid on this last record, there's just a couple of weeks that change and like, what's going on, like instrumental is pretty different. I'll usually only do that. If, well, the original recordings, I just wasn't very happy with it and feel like then like, I kind of forgot about them. But then I heard the song again, and if like, if the song feels true, but to me, but the recording didn't feel right, then I'll be like, Okay, how do I, how do I change? Like, how do I let this do justice to the song?
DJ Ocean Spray 18:20
Yeah, can
Speaker 1 18:21
I go at it from that, rather than like, and usually, it's something where, like, in the previous recording, I was, like, I was trying to do something that I wanted to do. And then it takes some time to realize, well, like, that's not what the song wanted to do. I go back, and I'm like, I think this is more what the song wanted to be, rather than what I put on to it. Yes, that makes.
DJ Ocean Spray 18:46
And so most of your work is solo, do you prefer to stay that way or is like collaborating with other musicians something you enjoy doing and want to do?
Speaker 1 19:00
I like collaborating. I feel really comfortable doing like, my songs kind of by myself. I've been just doing it like that for a long time. And I'm kind of like, very particular about the way things are with them. But I love collaborating on like, you know, other people's songs or like things that me and somebody else come up with together where it's not like just a Greg Mendes song or whatever. Like, I feel like, I feel like I have two very different modes and stuff that my solo records are just like very, very I don't know what the word for it has been very, very, like sealed off, I guess. Like, just like, I'm very controlling over the world that ends up in there. Yeah.
DJ Ocean Spray 20:00
Um, and so out of curiosity for you're like, Where does the album art come from? That you have? Like, do you make it yourself? Or do you have a friend who does it? Or is it a mix of things?
Speaker 1 20:15
It's kind of a mix. Like for the last two for Cherry Hill, my friend Kyle had this drawing that he did, and I, and it was, like, years ago, and he had sent it to me as like an idea for something else. And, and then I was like, let me can I like, bring this back. And I colored it in. And then this the self titled was a drawing that my wife we did, and I colored it in. So I guess, yeah, I guess I have been. It's not like as a rule, but the past to have been somebody else, someone I am loves drawing, and then I kind of color it in.
DJ Ocean Spray 20:58
Yeah. I like that. Um, and so do you, how do you feel about like live performances? Like, is it something that you enjoy doing? Or do you kind of prefer the process of like, making the music rather than performing it?
Speaker 1 21:15
I really like playing shows. I think it's a, it's, it's a different environment, for sure. And it was like one that I had to, that took a while for me to, like, get comfortable in and figure out, you know, what I could do and wanted to do with, and, but now I really love it in a completely different way than I like making the record, like it feels a bit more like communal. And it feels like I'm kind of less stressed about it, in a way than making the record because that feels very permanent and intentional. And the shows is just feels more spontaneous and more like, you're, you're giving it just just somebody else I know. Like, and like ultimately, you're doing that with a record too.
Speaker 1 22:09
But it feels it doesn't feel quite like that sometimes in the moment, it feels a little more like sealed off kind of thing. So I I mean, I like both of them. Yeah.
DJ Ocean Spray 22:23
Um, do you go to other people's concerts often or? You just like to speak? Okay. Have you been to any good ones recently? Yes. Do you want to share the vans or no?
Speaker 1 22:40
Yeah, let me think of what I went to recently. I think the last one I went to was was Wednesday and hotline TNT and echo tracer. That was like a big one. Oh, yeah. Trying to think of the last fall or when I went to I have kind of been like, I have been like, not going to as many shows in the past, like month or two because the COVID stuff has gotten pretty crazy here and everywhere. But I'm trying to get the last one. I can't I think that's the only show I went to this year to be honest, just because of all that. Yeah.
DJ Ocean Spray 23:19
Um, well. Speaking of live performances, Greg will be opening for a squirrel flower at the cat's cradle on February 14. Um, where else can people find your information like Bandcamp Instagram or Spotify?
Greg Mendez 23:52
Spotify and Bandcamp Yeah, just Greg Mendez.
DJ Ocean Spray 23:56
Okay, um, thank you so much for letting me interview you. This is DJ Ocean Spray with the Off The Record interview. And you're listening to WKNC 8.1 HD one, Raleigh. Thank you.
Greg Mendez 24:11
Thanks for having me.
DJ Ocean Spray 24:13
Thank you so much again for Greg Mendez letting me interview him and I will be sending the listeners off with Freek from his album Cherry Hill enjoy
Greg Mendez 24:41
I'm so high
In love with my friend
And I don't wanna try, but it's happening again
So, I walk around at a quarter past ten
With a picture of baby to make me feel bad
But it felt so sure
It felt so clean
It felt discreetly not the same
When I look at you
Oh, baby
Oh, baby
After all, I guess I'm just some kind of freak
And after all, I guess I'm just some kind of freak
And after all, I guess I'm just some kind of neat freak
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