Sadurn - WKNC Interviews

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DJ Ocean Spray 0:01
Hello, this is DJ Ocean Spray, and you're listening to WKNC 88.1 FM HD one Raleigh, and this is another episode of The Stripdown.

For this interview, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Sadurn before their show in the Cat's Cradle back room. And so here is my chat with the band. Hello, this is DJ Ocean Spray. And today I'm with the band Sadurn, before their performance in the Cat's Cradle back room. So to start off with Can all of you introduce yourselves with your name, and where you're originally from?

G DeGroot 0:37
My name is G. I'm from Boston.

Amelia Swain 0:41
My name is Amelia. And I'm from a lot of different places.

Tabitha Ahnert 0:48
I'm Tabitha, and I'm from Long Island in New York.

Jon Cox 0:52
I'm Jon, and I'm from Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

DJ Ocean Spray 0:56
So when did Saturn the project begin? And like how did you guys meet each other?

Jon Cox 1:04

we met basically.


it was at an open mic. Er, this is where je and I met. We were both at an open mic. Two blocks from where we lived in West Philly. And I played first in G played last. And there's like a lot of people played like it felt like 20 people.

And we met Yeah, this open mic. I saw G Play.

And we got to talking we realized we were neighbors. We lived across the street from each other. And we're like, what? And she was like, I've heard the bands playing in your house and we started hanging out and like playing music together and stuff. But yeah, that's how G and I met

G DeGroot 1:51
Um, I guess. So. Yeah, John and I met in like 2017, early 2017. And that's when I around when I had started playing shows for the first time under a different project name was called vive. We ended up getting a cease and desist from one DJ vive

who had trademarked the name. But

it was I think, in the fall that year that Jon first played on a show with Vive, so it was the two of us. Wait, which ironically, I think was in the same house where we met in the living room, wasn't

Jon Cox 2:33
it? I played mandolin.

I played on one song on the mandolin at the waiting room in the basement. Oh, sure. Yeah. So it was in the same house? Yeah. Yeah, not maybe not the first show. But I mean, the first time with you.

G DeGroot 2:50
There's some dispute. There's so there's a little bit of a dispute about what our first show was, I wouldn't consider that for sure. I was just saying the first time we played together when I played maybe we noodled on once. Oh, okay.

Amelia Swain 3:03
Well, yeah, that house is special. In our origin story. I guess. This is a little rambling. But yeah, basically, we were revealed it was me and Jon and 2017. And then tab, and I met in 2016. in Philly, and then we were roommates. And, um, how did we meet, I feel like I met I met, I met G and tab the same night because I was visiting Philly. And they, it was like my first time in Philly. And they took me out. This is in 2017. They took me out to one of the like house venues in West Philly it was called all night diner. And I was blown away. I thought everyone was like the coolest people ever that ever met. And I was so like, I would have been intimidated because they're so cool. But everyone was so nice that I felt very welcomed.

And we we saw Emily Yacina play. And that was amazing. And

and then we played fun word games and drawing games all night long. And then we're best friends after that.

Tabitha Ahnert 4:19
And then we didn't start playing as a four piece until like late 2019. And we have one show as a four piece in 2020 and 2020. Right before everything closed down.

So yeah, it was it started off as kind of G's project under a different name than Jon joined as a duo for like two ish, three ish years. And then we all join Amelia and I started playing. We added a rhythm section.

DJ Ocean Spray 4:51
And so how did each of you kind of like I guess get into music like, did you come from a musical family or like when did you

kind of begin your relationship with creating music.

Tabitha Ahnert 5:05
I personally

didn't start playing guitar until I was like 23 or so pretty shortly before meeting G, and kind of

je and I kind of met at a moment, I think where maybe they had just started writing songs. And I, they inspired me to write my own songs. And so I feel like we kind of mutually inspired each other to start doing music, or at least you inspired me.

Amelia Swain 5:40
I love this question. I on this subject of being inspired by your peers, the first time I saw G Play, I was filled with jealousy and envy, because their songs are so amazing. And their

performance was so captivating that I, I used to like I was writing songs and playing songs at the time. But after that show, I kind of like went back to the drawing board. And I was like, okay, like, I got to start over. Like, I have to write a song as good as like friends with your friends.

And I was like, singing it to myself all week, and I was full of jealousy.

G DeGroot 6:23
I didn't know.

Amelia Swain 6:24
I played it, I played it. Cool.

G DeGroot 6:27
That's really cute.

Amelia Swain 6:28
But I, my family, I would say they are pretty musical. They're always playing music. Well, actually, they're only play one band around the house, which was the band dire straits, which is a rock band from the 80s. listening today, they came on the radio today. And I felt this like surge of childhood nostalgia for just always the same Dire Straits all the time. And, you know, I think you can probably hear the influence in my drumming. I sound like the 80s rock band.

But I

I have an exclusive secret to reveal on this radio show. Which is I always tell people that I never played the drums until I joined Saturn.

Which is technically true, because I didn't really know what I was doing. But I'm gonna reveal to everybody today that that's a lie actually had played in an electronic drum set in high school. I begged my parents for this drum set from Costco, it was $120. And they brought it home for me from Costco. And they gave it to me as a Christmas gift. And I would

you could hook up your iPod like, play along to stuff and I'd play in my room when I was like 16/17. And I'd only play along to one song, which was a let's get it on by Marvin Gaye.

And I would just put it on repeat and are just like

Jon Cox 7:58
that is the heart of Sadurn, you can feel the pulse and the movement of that song. It permeates through everything. It's

Amelia Swain 8:07
it's true. So that's my secret.


it wasn't I wasn't really that good. I I did that for you know, in high school, but then I didn't play drums until I literally joined the band Saturn for this show we just talked about and 2020 before the pandemic. And I felt a lot of impostor syndrome because I didn't really know what I was doing because I only play that one song before.

But I played guitar before then. And I think that playing guitar translates very well to playing drums later. Because you have good rhythm.

But I'm rambling.

That's my musical history. Thanks for asking.

Jon Cox 8:53
Oh, can you?

DJ Ocean Spray 8:57
Um, like how did you like, kind of When did your relationship or like how did your relationship with music begin? Like, did you come from a musical family? Or like, how did the background start for you?

Jon Cox 9:11
I guess for me, yeah. Very musical family.

My dad was especially obsessed with rock and roll. And like would put on like Jimi Hendrix and like play it up to like my mom's stomach when she was pregnant. He was like, I have to play this and like playing like, records and like, he was just blasting so my I grew up around a lot of bikers. My parents were like bikers. And so there was a lot of classic rock a lot of music and like a lot of like being on the back of my dad's motorcycle and him just blasting Lynyrd Skynyrd and stuff like that.

So yeah, I would say honestly, it probably started with his like obsession with music and that really like wore off on me just seeing his like fixation on it and stuff.

And then. And he played guitar too, when I was young, and he he sold his whole Guitar Rig one month before I started playing guitar. And when I started, he was like, I would have given you my guitar and my amp, and he had really nice equipment, but he sold it.

Yeah, I think it started there. And then playing started

with my best friend, like, he would play with the guitar on his lap. And it only had three strings. And I came to his house one day after school, and he would play with his thumb. And the guitar was like, laid out flat on his lap acid data. So cool. Bah, bah, bah, bah, like playing with this stuff. I was like, show me that brother. That was cool. So he would sit with our guitars and I would play with my thumb, and he kind of taught me how to play actually. And then, so that friend and I, like we played in bands together for years. And like,

like, I really fell in love with playing music with that friend group. And we would play for like, six, seven hours a day, like rotating between drums, bass and guitar. So like my musical knowledge and like,

understanding really came from like, just learning songs with them and switching and like playing drums and guitar and stuff. That was like, super crucial is like, a lot of my learning was done like with other people, like, in the moment, like playing with other people. And I think that really influenced like, how I relate to like playing music. Yeah.

DJ Ocean Spray 11:30
Um, and so how did you guys come up with the name Saturn? Um, well, I'll tell you about that.

G DeGroot 11:39
Basically, we got the cease and desist from DJ vive.


he sent me this intimidating legal message through Facebook. And he said, This is what it's gonna look like when my lawyer sends you the real one. And he said, you have a week to change your name and your URLs.


yeah, and honestly, I just, I had that name lying around. Like,

I had mentioned it to tab before I was like, what about this thing? You know, but I,

I tried to come up with other names, I think I just didn't really have much.

I, it's one of the hardest things is naming a project. And so it kind of just was like, you know, what, one of the few ideas that that I had, but there wasn't much significance to it at all, I guess.

Yeah. I also wanted to say my musical history, which is that I, I also started playing guitar really late. And I like was, I was singing We had like a piano in my house growing up. And so I would like try to play that. And I was singing through, you know, whatever. school, high school and college and then

I guess I started trying to write songs when I was little, but I didn't really have like something to you know, I was just singing. So it was kind of hard. And then when I after I graduated college, I moved in with someone who had a guitar that she wasn't using and so I like tried to I actually was inspired to start learning guitar by the album. Trouble will find me by the National which is a beautiful record. So I tried to learn all the songs on that album. And I

so freakin beautiful

Amelia Swain 13:48

G DeGroot 13:48
I forgot what I'm allowed to say, I'd say it's, it's a that's a damn good. I'll tell you where you can find it.

Anyways, oops. Okay, so I don't know, I just started playing playing guitar and and then as soon as I could kind of play guitar a little bit, I started trying to write songs on guitar. And then I moved to Philly and I was like around more people that were doing that and

that is the history. Yeah, and that's also the history of the name is just the cease and desist and the lack of ideas. But yeah, there's there's not much behind it all say that.

There's not much.

DJ Ocean Spray 14:39
We are going to take a quick break to listen to ice pick off of Saturn's 2022 album radiator.

G DeGroot 14:54
Sometimes you get so quiet, walk down to the basement
And try to find the light switch and look for reassurance
But I can’t reassure you if I don’t believe it
I know there’s some distance, but I was gonna ride it

But you and I are good friends, sometimes we’re in love and
It feels almost like nothing I’m ever gonna find again
And I even met your parents even though they’re homophobic
And it took almost a year for you to tell them we wеre dating

And your mind is like a fishnet, and minе is like an icepick
Sometimes it really works and sometimes it leaves us hanging
And I get so frustrated about your communication
But I know you can’t help it - I’m not really tryna change ya

But you and I are good friends, sometimes we’re in love and
It feels really important like I never wanna lose it
And you even met my family, even though they are chaotic
Even though I keep them distant and never go to Massachusetts

And your mind is like a fishnet, and mine is like an icepick
Sometimes it’s not enough and sometimes I think it’s perfect
And I get so messed up cause I don’t know if it’s working
I’m standing by the window, I can’t wait to let the light in
Can’t wait to let the light in

DJ Ocean Spray 18:37
so when it comes to writing the songs, do you generally like write from like experience you have? Or is it kind of like, I guess, ideas that aren't necessarily like something that you did experience but like something? I don't know, you think of, like abstracted or like yeah, yes. Yeah.

G DeGroot 18:59
I think it's so cool. And people do that. I think it's so cool when people can even like take a prompt and like write a song about something like a made up character or like a book they were inspired by. I simply cannot do that at all. Yeah, it's like not in my wheelhouse. I can only write from experience. It's like, I think that writing songs

is like more. It's kind of like a part of like a processing kind of, you know, endeavor. Yeah. Like kind of cathartic processing of feelings and events and so feel like it tends to be just straight from what's going on. I mean, I think that there is that little wiggly territory of like sometimes your songwriting and like things just are kind of slipping out of your head like that. Like, maybe maybe there is like

meaning that happens like, afterwards, like you're not really thinking about it at all. If you're like playing guitar, and some, like random words come out, that's definitely a part of it, too. But I would say that I can't like write a whole song that way. Like, it has to kind of coalesce around a real feeling that I'm like currently

processing, I guess, Does anyone else want to talk about songwriting?

Because I guess the, this is like my songwriting project. But I want to say everyone in the project has their own songwriting project. So we're all songwriters.

DJ Ocean Spray 20:40
And so, to me, radiator kind of feels like one of those albums, it's super, like, really, like full and cohesive, like, as a whole. And so like, when like choosing the order of the songs, like what songs you do include in the album, like, for example, like the beginning, and like ending songs were they written specifically for like, the place they will hold in the album, or like, out of the songs that you kind of had, that they just like, fit best in those places,

G DeGroot 21:13
it was the latter, I would say that we actually, we didn't know we were making an album. When we did it, the the

process was like, we were going to record some of the full band songs we've just thrown together. And then because of the pandemic, and just us being like, you know, isolated from each other, and needing to go through all these like intense logistics in order to actually get together in one space for a few weeks to make the album, we decided that just because of the intensity of the situation that we should record enough songs for an album to like, even just make the whole thing worth it. So we pulled like, we had the songs, newer songs, we were going to record and we also pulled like some kind of bedroom folk demos that I had made on my own on GarageBand. And like, we messed around with those assed around

Amelia Swain 22:18

G DeGroot 22:19
yeah, so

it was,

yeah, none of none of the songs were written

with the idea that they would be on an album. And that's funny, because now that that's how we're making music. And now that we're there's like a contract to make albums. That is changing the writing in a way because it's like, oh, this these songs are for the next album. And honestly, I think it's a

I mean, I'm, I'm excited about the newer stuff, but I think that generally, that feels like a detriment to the writing process. Because it like adds like a

layer of like, thinking about the externality of the song that I don't actually that I have to kind of try and tune out.

DJ Ocean Spray 23:12
Um, I like to ask artists about their album art, because I think it's really interesting. So, um, could you I guess, provide some context for the photo that says Sadurn with the radiator, album art?

Jon Cox 23:28
Yeah, I took. So I took the photo on the front and it was just a photo from

Okay, yeah, we went swimming. But, okay, I'll give this context because it's kind of nice. It's like, I wanted to get a film camera. Because I wanted to interview people eating fast food at rest stops on the turnpike. And I wanted to like take pictures of them and like do an interview and I wanted to have like a whole series, but also just wanted to get more into like taking photos. And my friend Jack my friends Jack and Mel got me this like old film camera. And then we had at this day we were swimming. That's why the camera and I just took all these photos. And then you kind of like, G, kind of picked it out out of like just a bunch of photos from a day of us like swimming, like hanging out.

She was whistling Yeah, I was teaching our friend out of whistle and she's in the photo but like cropped out of it. Oh, and you can see the roof of my Honda Fit. And I was an Uber driver at the time and I would Uber six hours a day and

G DeGroot 24:31
John was you bring that the that was take it wasn't taken like oh, we're gonna take pictures for an album like it was before we made the albums before the concept of the album existed. So

it was just like,

yeah, yeah, it was like we had to like choose a picture and chose that one. And then like made the other art art elements. So yes.

DJ Ocean Spray 24:55
Um, I am curious about why

It has like, influenced your like, I guess singing style? Because I guess you like have, like a twang when you sing. But you're definitely not from the south. Um, so, kind of is that an intentional choice you made? Or like, is it something like, I guess you were trying to, like, imitate a certain sound? Or like kind of, I guess, how did that come about?

G DeGroot 25:23
That's so funny. I knew someone was gonna ask me about this at some point. It's actually this really embarrassing thing where like, when I like sing, like other people's songs, like we covered, we've covered a couple of songs, Ohio songs, you know, we're covering a Gillian Welsh song for this tour. I'm always like,

Not intentionally, you know, but like, without much self control, like, I'm just kind of imitating other people's vocal styles when I'm covering their songs. And so I feel like

that kind of like,

I don't know how to describe this, but

I really like imitating sounds, just in general in my life, like, bird noises or like, stuff like that. But I think that that tendency has crept into, like, how I write music, and I feel like when I'm writing, it's like, there's a certain, like, kind of singing that goes with the song. And sometimes I'm like, Oh, should I really need to, like, make sure that this isn't like, over the top, later on, when I think about it, but like, I'm not thinking about it, when I'm writing the song. You know, it's kind of just like, whatever

is happening is happening. And I, you know, I'm like, not really specifically trying to do anything, but, you know, I think on radiator, if you like, listen to it, that like, depending on the song, depending what instrument I wrote on, depending on like, kind of what style it's in. Like, it's like, there's just different vocal techniques that I'm using or styles. And

I would say it's kind of embarrassing, but like, you know, what are you gonna do? I don't really,

I guess I just don't think about it that much. Maybe I should.

DJ Ocean Spray 27:18
Um, I found Amelia's project before I found Saturns. Actually, um, and so I had a question about that. So your last album was released the same year, as radiator. And I was wondering, like, which was recorded first, like, did you create your own album first, or had you recorded radiator first.

Amelia Swain 27:44
So we recorded radiator in the fall of 2020. And I recorded my last album, the spring of 2022. It was a lot it was, I've recorded my way after, but I released it pretty much at same time, because I didn't have to wait for a record label to put it out. I could just put it out.

But I think I was like,

I think I mean, I've talked about this jealousy earlier, I think part of it was like, oh, G's, gonna put out an album, I'm gonna put out an album.

But I think I was I just started dating somebody, I really wanted to impress them.

And I had a lot of crush juice from just like crushing on them. So I was like, Ah, maybe they'll think I'm cool. If I like make this album.

I don't know. That's how

it worked. We're still dating. We're in love.

But I was


with my music, I think it's similar to G's songwriting, where it's like, I have to be like, actively processing an intense feeling. And then like write the song sort of as, like a way of expressing and putting that into words. And I think I was just pretty inspired by like,

you know, having worked on this Sadurn record for so long, and just sitting with the songs and kind of just being like, wow, this is such a work of art and it's so powerfully emotional and I kind of was very influenced by that when I was making my record and

I'm actually making a new one. So

Tabitha Ahnert 29:40
Sadurn makes a new record. Amelia makes a new record too

Amelia Swain 29:45
everything, everything. Every every aspect, every aspect of my life and creative process is fueled by jealousy and trying to get people to like me.

G DeGroot 29:58
That's it.

I'm just gonna say that that's a joke because

Amelia Amelia is always doing the coolest. She's actually one of the most like, just motivated to do I mean I get it. I know crushed crushed juice really does a lot when it comes to motivating you and your little frickin your your little projects. Can you say frickin?

Yeah, yeah, your little friggin projects.

Your little ass projects? Um, yeah. Amelia has? Yeah.

She's good. She's really good.

Amelia Swain 30:35
How did you hear about my, how did you hear about my project?

DJ Ocean Spray 30:38
Honestly, I don't know. I actually think I played corn maze on like, one of my very first like, radio shows. Yeah, I like cuz, for WKNC It's like, focuses on more like,

underground. I guess like artists, like the biggest I could. I mean, I could I can play someone like big thief. But like that's like about the max. And so I kind of had to do some digging.

And I honestly don't know, I think I might have found it on. It's like this website, I think is what every noise at once. It like, it'll show you like, you can click on like one artist, and they'll show you like a map of like other artists similar to it. And I think I probably found you on there. But I'm not 100%. Sure.

Amelia Swain 31:25
Cool. Yeah. That's crazy.

DJ Ocean Spray 31:29
But I have a few questions about your own, I guess. music listening habits. Um, could you guys share with one of or few of your favorite musicians of all time?

Amelia Swain 31:43
I love this question so much.

I think well, first of all, I think the members of Sadurn are my favorite musicians of all time.

They're also talented and perfect. And it's truly an honor to be playing with them.

But I think just going first, my top inspiration is yung lean.

I don't know if y'all listen to yung lean, but he's from Sweden. He's literally a genius.

And he really packs a lot of emotionality into his work. And I think that that is so powerful is to just like

to start from just being emotional, and make work out of that. Feels very compelling to me.


okay, Pat, passing it to John. Okay. So

Jon Cox 32:43
I guess someone who comes to mind is like,

I felt really inspired by Michael Hurley. Recently in my life, we heard of Michael Hurley.

He's like a folk singer. He's 82. And he's been making incredible albums for like, so many decades.

And he has this way of like writing these beautifully, like melancholic, but also very funny and goofy, like charming folk songs. And I, I think,

like, lately, I've been thinking a lot about how hard it is to like, be funny, in songs. It's such a, like, thin line between being corny, and just Bobo.

It's such a tightrope, such a hard like, balancing act. And, um, I think he's like, one of the best and he's, he's underrated. And he had an interesting career. He was like, virtually unknown for like, most of his life. And then I mean, people loved his music. But in the last, like, 20 years, he was like, You got a booking agent, and people started putting him out there. And he was, like, been playing a lot more shows and touring. And he's like, that was in his 70s he's 82 it just his whole story, to me is really inspiring.

And yeah, I just, I think it's a real feat when someone can write a beautiful song and it's also like, layered in that way where it's like, comedic and it's like, because I feel like that is like, like a full like, Spectrum thing. Like I feel like like there's a vastness to that that really hits me hard and I don't think a lot of people can do that. So yeah, I've been really enjoying his songwriting. Yeah, yeah.

Tabitha Ahnert 34:25
Not to be like every other indie head in the world right now, but I am wearing a big thief shirt. And so I think I must admit that I'm a very big fan of big thief and Adrianne Lenker.

This questions always so hard for me because I feel like I have to like, or I feel a pressure to like

be cool.

And I honestly have

kind of, in my recent, like since 2020 on a


I have kind of like let go of the reins of like what I'm listening to and I like rely pretty heavily on like whoever I'm hanging out with to DJ for me

and the kind of the I like kind of consistently come back to like only a couple of things and like one of those things is big thief. Yeah, there's a broadcast album I really love

I'm also notoriously terrible at remembering the names of things, so I'm not gonna be able to tell you what, which one it is. Yeah.


like lomelda does another big name for me. I feel really inspired by the music

in my own songwriting

yeah, those are a couple of big ones that come up.

G DeGroot 35:52
The question was top, top, like all time yeah.

Um, I feel like usually my answer when I think about it is like Jason Molina

Gillian Welch.

Elliott Smith.

Alex G.


Those are some of my favorite songwriters of all time.

DJ Ocean Spray 36:24
I have one last question for you guys. Um, so you guys are playing all things go in September. And there's a crazy lineup. So I was wondering if there's like any, like musician or band that's playing that you hope to see if you're there, or like, I know any other artists that you really like who are also playing.

This is so funny, because when I saw the lineup, I was like, Who the heck are any of these people? I had not heard of any of them. But some of them I'd heard of like Janelle Monae had heard of, like, there's, you know, it was just like Hozier, I'd heard you know, I know. How's it for like, I was like, What the heck is this lineup and all the ones that people are excited about? You know, what, is it Chappell Roan? I have a lot of sense. Okay, so I'm gonna pass this I gotta pass this because this question is not for me.

Tabitha Ahnert 37:19
Luckily, we're playing on son Sunday, Sunday, Saturday, we're playing on the second world play on the second day of the festival, which happens to be

what I would consider a lesbian Mecca, where chapel Rowan is playing Japanese House is playing. Their recent album is like a poly.

Or is about their polyamorous relationship with a couple. Love that.

Soccer mommy is playing and we're playing so

I'm really excited to see Chappell Roan. I'm obsessed with her as I'm sure all of us are right now.

And so that's really who I'm looking forward to the most with the Japanese house and soccer mommy coming up pretty close.

Amelia Swain 38:08
Um, I am super excited to see Ethel Cain as another as another trans person. I think that that is so sick to have trans people be really big and popular and featured at festivals.

But I have to say I'm even more excited about seeing Sammy Ray. I don't know if any. Anybody likes me, Ray, my whole family. We always listen to Sammy Rae together when we're driving in the car. And when we're cooking and stuff. And my family, they live in Minneapolis and they're actually all coming down to DC to come see us at this festival. And I'm so excited to stand in the audience and watch Sammy ray with them. I'm really excited. I think it's going to be really special. So I'm really excited we get to be a part of that festival.


you're listening to

the interview with Sadurn

DJ Ocean Spray 39:13
this has been a another episode of the stripped down with DJ Ocean Spray. A huge shout out to Sadurn for sitting down with me and letting me chat with you guys before your show. You guys are actually so so awesome. And it's really cool. Getting to meet musicians that I actually listened to quite a bit.

It's just really awesome. So thank you so much.

Um, but I will be sending the listeners off with one more song by Sadurn today. And it is snake off of radiator. You are listening to WKNC 88.1 FM

HD one Raleigh and this is DJ Ocean Spray thank you so much

G DeGroot 40:07
Honey I was wrong, I had to walk down to turn
Get a good look at my ways and hell maybe I’ve learned something
From wringing out my shame - I had to lay down with her
If just to see it was the same thing that got me before

Honey I was right, I thought about it all night
I looked the snake right in his face, I’ve seen the way he blinks that eye at me
But I am not afraid, I’ve heard we’re all gonna die
In a cascade of system failure or in the blink of an eye

Honey I would bet that I’d be just as upset
I’d be at least as mad as you were when we crawled into my bed
But I do regret running right up to the red
I hope the waters down in Assateague are clearing your head

Maybe it was wrong to meet you out in State College
As if we were still together, like I was your only option
But I’m not - and you know that I’m not as true as I thought
But I’d still drive for several hours on a dime if you dropped it

Honey you were kind to tell me that it’s alright
I know my fault is that I speak every damn thought in my mind
But I want you to know that I’ll be holding that line
And I believe in all your mercy
And in the weight of the tide as it is pulling you back towards me
You know that I am always yours if you’ll still have me
Though you’re tired from that long walk over the chasm
But my idea of love is that it’s lasting
But my idea of love is that it’s lasting

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